We are pleased to announce that Agriculture for Development journal No.47 (Ag4Dev47) has just been published. It focuses on a critical topic for our turbulent times: 'Supporting agrifood systems in developing countries in times of crisis and conflict: drawing lessons from experience to inform programmes, policy and practice'.
This special issue considers the impacts of war and violent conflict, COVID-19, climate change, and energy issues, among others, on agrifood systems and agriculture in a world in an age of poly-crisis. The years 2023 and 2024 have been characterised by new and ongoing instabilities, conflicts and crises, and these are set to continue into the medium and long terms. This will have grave consequences for people's lives, livelihoods and development. It challenges the very possibility of achieving inclusive agricultural development and rural transformation and undermines hopes of making substantial global progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The contributors to this special issue of Ag4Dev provide a remarkable range of evidence-based perspectives from diverse situations, which yield lessons for inclusive agricultural and rural development going forward.
Ag4Dev is a peer-reviewed, open access journal published by the Tropical Agriculture Association International (TAA International or simply TAAI). TAAI is a UK-registered charity and an association of professionals and practitioners supporting sustainable agriculture for development (https://taa-international.org) . Our members include farmers, students, managers, agri-entrepreneurs, researchers, teachers, consultants and policy makers who support our Strategy (https://taa-international.org/taa-international-strategy-2023-2025) and core values: a global reach, agricultural focus, multi-disciplinary analyses, and sustainable, resilient and empowering solutions (https://taa-international.org/core-values).
You can learn more about TAAI and its benefits for members (including our Accreditation Scheme, Mentoring Scheme and Find an Expert, Service or Product Scheme) by clicking on the TAAI Benefits menu when you visit the website. If you would like to become a member of TAAI (annual membership fees are £60, or £10 if you are a student, under-40 years old or a citizen of a developing country) please click here.
Ag4Dev47 can be accessed here.